


In Gipuzkoa we have a lot of distinctive features but we don’t have any secrets at all.

It is just the way we are. If we discover something amazing, whatever it may be, a type of cider or a mountain trail, the first thing that we do is share it. “You really have to try this. I’m going to take you there”. They are places that make us happy. They are always personal recommendations, provided in confidence. We are just naturally good hosts. The kind of people that show what they have without boasting about it, just for the pleasure of sharing.

The kind of people who tell stories and their history, which begins thousands of years of years ago with Basque, the oldest language in Europe, a unique language that it still alive today, just as the most unadulterated essential qualities of the Basque identity and personality of its people have also survived: authenticity, sociability and honesty.

In Gipuzkoa, it’s easy to go from being a visitor to being a local. All you have to do is observe, ask questions and let yourself be carried away by the genuine experience of life here, just like someone who has been born here does. Be Basque. Experience and understand life simply, naturally and be eager to have a good time. There are no secrets.

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