¿Quieres ayudar a Pedro? Porque ser pastor, supone mucho trabajo: perseguir ovejas, recoger miel de los paneles, hacer queso, ir al mercado… Ponte las zapatillas y la ropa vieja, porque hoy, ¡tienes licencia para mancharte!
Zarautz market
This easily accessible market is held in what used to be a large interior courtyard.
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Lastur Valley
The Lastur valley stands in the heart of the Basque Coast Geopark. There is a wide range of activities in the area.
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Sastarrain farm school
The Sastarrain farm school is a special place for the youngest members of the family.
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The museum explains the way bees live and function, with displays of both old and working hives.
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Located in Ezkio-Itxaso, the museum revives the history and evolution of Basque farmhouses over a period of more than 1,000 years.
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Idiazabal cheese I.C.
Idiazabal cheese is one of the Gipuzkoa’s most authentic flavours, a gastronomic gem.
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