
Hondartza bistekin

Uraren ertzean paseatzeko, surf egiteko, hareazko gazteluak egiteko, eguzkitan etzateko, ilunabarraz gozatzeko edo, besterik gabe, malekoian eseri eta amets egiteko… Kantauri itsasoari ausart begiratzen dioten euskal kostaldeko 15 hondartzek olatu, brisa, hondar eta paisaia ugari eskaintzen dizkigute. Gustu guztietarako hondartzak.

Zurriola beach
Explore Zurriola Beach. Surfers from all over the world come to ride the waves at Zurriola
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Zarautz Beach
This 2,500-metre beach is the longest beach in Gipuzkoa.
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Siete playas
Explore Siete playas. A series of seven wild rocky coves in Mutriku, popular for both divers and nudists
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Saturraran beach is one of the most photographed on the Basque Coast.
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Santixo beach
Explore Santixo Beach. Located in Zumaia, Santixo is a wide beach with calm waters and the kid-friendly atmosphere.
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Santiago Beach
A family beach with a large sandbank, ideal for swimming and sunbathing. Close by, Sorginetxe boasts one of the great Basque surfing waves.
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Ondarreta beach
Explore Ondarreta Beach. Separated from La Concha beach by a rocky outcrop known as Pico del Loro, this is the widest of San Sebastian's beaches
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Located in Mutriku on the left bank of the river Deba.
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Mutriku Beach
Unique beach next to the charming port of Mutriku
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Malkorbe beach
A beautiful family-friendly beach beside the fishing port in Getaria
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La concha beach
Explore La Concha Beach. The darling of the San Sebastian Region
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Itzurun beach
Charming family beach set against the backdrop of the spectacular vertical strata of the flysch.
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Hondarribia beach
The westernmost beach in Gipuzkoa sits on the mouth of the Bidasoa river.
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Gaztetape beach
Explore Gaztetape Beach. Small beach open to the Cantabrian Sea
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Antilla beach
Located in Orio, a quiet 3500-square- metre beach with plenty of space for sunbathing
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