
Pasio berde kolorea

Gure azaleraren % 20 Naturagune Babestu gisa katalogatuta dago. Guztira sei Parke Natural ditugu eta Babestutako bi Biotopo. 24 orduetan irekita dauden guneak dira. Zatoz abisatu gabe. Etorri, sartu, mirestu Gipuzkoako natur parkeetako ibilbide paregabeak.

Is a small area wedged in between the Bay of Biscay and the Basque mountains
Gehiago ikusi
Plaiaundi Ecology Park
This natural area with high ecological value is a veritable paradise for birdwatchers
Gehiago ikusi
Peñas de Aia Natural Park
The fascinating Peñas de Aia mountains dominate the landscape stretching from San Sebastian to the French border.
Gehiago ikusi
The Aia natural park is located between Orio and Zarautz.
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Leitzaran Biotope
Declared a protected biotope because of the quality of its riverside forest.
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Iñurritza Biotope
One of the widest dune fields in the Basque Country
Gehiago ikusi
Aralar Natural Park
Higher elevation meadows are a predominant feature of Aralar's characteristic landscape
Gehiago ikusi
Aizkorri-Aratz Natural Park
One of the highest peaks in the Basque Country at 1551 metres.
Gehiago ikusi