

Kirol nazionala da Gipuzkoan: menditik paseatu eta ibiltzea; bakarrik, taldean edo familian.

Lurralde osoa zeharkatzen duten milioi eta erdi kilometroko bideei esker egin daitezkeen mendi-ibiliak, bazter guztietan topatuko ditugun ikuspegi zoragarriez gozatuz gainera. Abentura gustuko dutenek aukera izango dute euren bidea egiteko, mendietan gora edo mendi hegaletatik ibiliz edo haiek zeharkatuz. Edo nahiago dutenentzat, bide eta bidezidor homologatu, balizatu eta seinaleztatu ugari daude, zailtasun maila desberdinetakoak. Garrantzitsuena hauxe da: ez ahaztu gurutzatzen zaren pertsonak agurtzea!

Route of the three temples, Araindarri - GR 286
GR routes are long-distance footpaths of 50 kilometres or more designed to take at least two days´ walking.
Gehiago ikusi
Bizkar Route - GR 121
GR routes are long-distance footpaths of 50 kilometres or more designed to take at least two days; walking.
Gehiago ikusi
Epaibide Route - GR 121
GR routes are long-distance footpaths of 50 kilometres or more designed to take at least two days' walking.
Gehiago ikusi
Altxorbide Route - GR 35
GR routes are long-distance footpaths of 50 kilometres or more designed to take at least two days walking.
Gehiago ikusi
Cheese Route - GR 283
GR routes are long-distance footpaths of 50 kilometres or more designed to take at least two days; walking.
Gehiago ikusi
Mendibai Route - GR 285
GR routes are long-distance footpaths of 50 kilometres or more designed to take at least two days' walking.
Gehiago ikusi
Talaia Route - GR 121
GR routes are long-distance footpaths of 50 kilometres or more designed to take at least two days; walking.
Gehiago ikusi
Mountain Txakoli
Explore this circular route that joins the three coastal towns of Zumaia, Zarautz, and Getaria.
Gehiago ikusi
Explore the route alongside the San Pelaio river.
Gehiago ikusi
Vantage point and whales
Discover the ancient whale hunting points.
Gehiago ikusi