Gu ezagutzeko hamaika modu
Gipuzkoa tradizioz, historiaz, artez,... betetako tokia da. Honek toki ezinhobea egiten du mota eta gai desberdinetako museoak ezagutzeko.
Chillida edo Balenciaga bezalako artistei eskeinitako museoetatik museo askoz txikiagoetara, baina ez horregatik interes gutxiagorekin. Adibidez Victor Hugori eskeinia Pasaian edo etxeko txikienei eskeinitako beste asko gai desberdinen inguruan.
Nuestro Top 10
Chillida leku
Chillida-Leku is the fulfilment of that dream, a place to discover the trajectory of the artist from San Sebastian.
Gehiago ikusi
Located in Pasajes San Pedro, only a few kilometres from San Sebastian, Albaola is the Basque Maritime Factory.
Gehiago ikusi
The San Sebastian Aquarium is the oldest aquarium and museum dedicated to marine natural sciences in Spain.
Gehiago ikusi
Getaria is the home of the first major museum in the world exclusively dedicated to a couturier, reflecting the universal importance of the Getaria-born designer in the field of fashion and haute couture.
Gehiago ikusi
Tabakalera is a space where we can create, explore, share, experiment, discover... An open and diverse cultural space for all people.
Gehiago ikusi
Located in Ezkio-Itxaso, the museum revives the history and evolution of Basque farmhouses over a period of more than 1,000 years.
Gehiago ikusi
San Telmo
Opened in 1902, San Sebastian’s San Telmo Museum is the oldest in the Basque Country.
Gehiago ikusi
Oiasso, standing at the mouth of the Bidasoa River was the port city of the Vascones in Roman times.
Gehiago ikusi
El Centro de Interpretación de Algorri se encuentra muy cerca del entorno natural de Zumaia y ofrece una oportunidad excepcional para conocer diferentes ecosistemas.
Gehiago ikusi
La visita al Centro de Interpretación Nautil, supone hacer un auténtico viaje en el tiempo, hasta una época en la que los dinosaurios dominaban la tierra y los Ammonites eran los reyes del mar.
Gehiago ikusi
Centro de Interpretación del Frente de la Guerra Civil
Este espacio memorial que sirve como lugar de acogida para luego acceder a lugares como Arrate, Akondia, Kalamua, Urko o Aginaga está situado en la colonia de Arrate.
Gehiago ikusi
Arms industry museum
The Debabarrena region, and more specifically Eibar, has always had close connections with the arms industry.
Gehiago ikusi
The Machine Tool Museum
The Machine Tool Museum is a tribute to the ironworkers, blacksmiths and artisans of Elgoibar who consolidated the local iron industry.
Gehiago ikusi
Laboratorium museum
The museum takes visitors on a tour of the evolution of education, scientific research and innovation.
Gehiago ikusi
Diocesan museum
The San Sebastian Diocesan Museum, housed in the Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) Churchbuilding in Amara, exhibits a collection of Basque religious sculptures, paintings and articles in silver and gold dating from the 17th to the 21st centuries.
Gehiago ikusi
Traditional music is one of the pillars of culture in the San Sebastian Region.
Gehiago ikusi
The San Sebastian Aquarium is the oldest aquarium and museum dedicated to marine natural sciences in Spain.
Gehiago ikusi
Gorrotxategi museum
Xaxu, the Gorrotxategi confectionery museum in Tolosa, invites you to take a sweet tour of confectionery-making from the 14th to the 19th centuries.
Gehiago ikusi
Ekain is one of the best kept treasures in the Basque Country and one of the most important prehistoric sanctuaries in Europe.
Gehiago ikusi
Standing in San Sebastian’s Miramón technology park, the Eureka Zientzia Museoa is a space to learn about science for people of all ages; a place to have fun with experiments and understand the scientific principles.
Gehiago ikusi
Zumalakarregi museum
Ormaiztegi is the setting for the Zumalakarregi Museum, a journey back to the Basque Country of the 19th century, a period of enormous social, cultural, economic and political upheaval.
Gehiago ikusi
Tabakalera is a space where we can create, explore, share, experiment, discover... An open and diverse cultural space for all people.
Gehiago ikusi
The exhibition also has fossils from all over the world, as well as a section exclusively dedicated to rocks.
Gehiago ikusi
The museum explains the way bees live and function, with displays of both old and working hives.
Gehiago ikusi
Located in Ezkio-Itxaso, the museum revives the history and evolution of Basque farmhouses over a period of more than 1,000 years.
Gehiago ikusi
Idiazabal cheese I.C.
Idiazabal cheese is one of the Gipuzkoa’s most authentic flavours, a gastronomic gem.
Gehiago ikusi
House of history
The House of History takes a look back in time at the city, and it does so in the place most suited to the purpose: Mount Urgull.
Gehiago ikusi
This is a project promoted by the Kutxa Social Work department to raise awareness and explain the need for sustainable, respectful behaviour in regard to the environment.
Gehiago ikusi
Mater Museum
Sea is the only frontier of the Mater Museum, a Basque tuna fishing boat converted into a floating museum, an opportunity to learn all about fishing in the Bay of Biscay and the work of those who manned them.
Gehiago ikusi
Way of St James interpretation centre
The Way of St James has several routes opened by pilgrims from Europe as they headed for the tomb of James the Apostle in the 9th century.
Gehiago ikusi
Barandiaran museum
The Larruntza Mill, in the San Gregorio neighbourhood of Ataun, looks at the life and work of the prestigious anthropologist and ethnographer Joxemiel Barandiaran.
Gehiago ikusi
Mufomi, fossil and mineral museum
Mufomi, in Elgoibar, has the biggest fossil and mineral collection in the Basque Country.
Gehiago ikusi
The Argazki & Zinema Museoa in Zarautz reveals the world seen through a lens.
Gehiago ikusi
Shepherding eco-museum
Standing in the Aizkorri-Aratz Natural Park, the Erreizabal farmhouse immerses visitors in the reality of the shepherds who focus their activity on producing cheese.
Gehiago ikusi
Chillida lantoki
Eduardo Chillida made his enormous sculptures at a workshop in Legazpi.
Gehiago ikusi
Salt Museum Leintz Gatzaga
The White Gold industry played a decisive role in the foundation and economic development of Leintz-Gatzaga.
Gehiago ikusi
San Telmo
Opened in 1902, San Sebastian’s San Telmo Museum is the oldest in the Basque Country.
Gehiago ikusi
Z Espacio Cultural
Espacio Cultural que el pintor vasco Ignacio Zuloaga (Elgeta 1870), ideó, proyectó y realizó, entre los años 1910-1920.
Gehiago ikusi
Sagardoetxea es el Museo de la Sidra Vasca, un lugar donde disfrutar de la cultura de la sidra, seña de identidad de los vascos y de sus costumbres.
Gehiago ikusi
Museo Ibarraundi
Hacia 1986, en un local situado en el mismo Ayuntamiento, se creó el Museo Escuela de Eskoriatza como proyecto complementario a la asignatura de Historia en la Escuela Pública Luis Ezeiza.
Gehiago ikusi
Palacio Lili
Fusionando escenarios y personajes reales con la dramatización de una actriz, se ha creado esta obra.
Gehiago ikusi
Santa Maria la Real
El Conjunto arqueológico monumental Santa María la Real está compuesto por la Torre-Campanario Zarautz, que alberga al Museo de Arte e Historia de Zarautz.
Gehiago ikusi
Jantziaren Zentroa
Situado en un edificio del siglo XVII, “Kapitain-etxea” es un proyecto creado gracias a la ayuda del Ayuntamiento de Errenteria.
Gehiago ikusi
Fundación Antonio Oteiza
Adaptándose siempre a las circunstancias, mimetizándose con el entorno, Antonio Oteiza ha diseminado su obra por el mundo entero.
Gehiago ikusi
Exposición de mariposas del mundo
En esta exposición permanente se pueden admirar la belleza y colorido de ejemplares reales de mariposas del mundo entero.
Gehiago ikusi
Centro Vasco de Interpretación de la Memoria Histórica
El Centro Vasco de Interpretación de la Memoria Historia, en Elgeta, gira en torno a la Guerra Civil.
Gehiago ikusi
Located in Pasajes San Pedro, only a few kilometres from San Sebastian, Albaola is the Basque Maritime Factory.
Gehiago ikusi
Railway museum
The Basque Railway Museum in Azpeitia has one of the best railway collections in all Europe, including steam, diesel and electric engines, railcars and all types of carriages.
Gehiago ikusi
Ur Mara
Ur Mara is the ideal spot to enjoy the essence of natural beauty and its relationship with art.
Gehiago ikusi
Getaria is the home of the first major museum in the world exclusively dedicated to a couturier, reflecting the universal importance of the Getaria-born designer in the field of fashion and haute couture.
Gehiago ikusi
The D’Elikatuz food and gastronomy interpretation centre in Ordizia is the perfect place to learn about the textures and flavours of the land.
Gehiago ikusi
Iron has always played a particularly important part in the evolution of the Basque Country.
Gehiago ikusi